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    How to Choose The Right Facebook Ad Agency

    Facebook isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.

    With more than 2.6 billion users worldwide – or nearly 28.5% of the total global population – the platform has seen unprecedented success.

    This also translates to several other advantages that you may not be familiar with:

    • Approximately 1.65 billion users see Facebook ads, out of which 1.21 billion are between the ages of 13 and 34.
    • An average Facebook user clicks on 12 ads per month.
    • Facebook users watch around 100 million hours of video a day.

    Plus, nearly 70 million businesses have a Facebook page, which sheds ample light on its importance in today’s world.

    In short, Facebook is still a force to be reckoned with – at least where ads are concerned.

    With such excellent stats, converting visitors into customers should be easy, right?


    You see, there can be various reasons why your Facebook ads don’t convert.

    One of the more prominent reasons is the lack of expert guidance – something that hiring the best Facebook ad agency can help overcome.

    This brings us to our next question: How do you choose the right Facebook agency for your needs?

    Our team at Neil Patel Digital has created this guide to walk you through the whole hiring process that can help you generate more leads and score higher conversions.

    Know Your Goals and Desired Outcomes

    Remember the saying that knowing your destination is half the journey?

    Well, the same logic applies when you‘re looking to hire a Facebook ad company.

    Every ad agency has different specialties, along with budget and project sizes. This is precisely why you should know your business goals and the objectives you want to achieve by working with a specific agency.

    Once you get the right lens to evaluate different agencies, you’ll be able to determine your perfect match easily.

    The following are a few examples where you can break down the whole process by using a deliverable-goal-end result approach. In other words, you understand your deliverables, then determine the goals of these deliverables, followed by the outcomes you hope to achieve.

    Example #1: Getting More Leads Despite Tight Budget

    You want to hire an agency to develop an efficient Facebook advertising strategy for your company. The catch here is that you only have $500 per month to spare, but you want more leads.

    So, in this case:

    • Deliverable: Using unique, eye-catching ads to get high-quality leads.
    • Goal: An agency that has the expertise and is open to accepting clients who have a tight budget.
    • End Result: Generating more leads without overstepping the $500 threshold.

    Example #2: Expanding Reach Through Visually Appealing Videos

    You want to create engaging video ads that you can use on Facebook. The problem here is that you don’t know where to start.

    So, in this case:

    • Deliverable: A series of on-brand ad videos that increase brand awareness and click-through rates.
    • Goal: An agency that has the expertise to create engaging videos, which talk about your new offers and encourage the viewer to click on the link.
    • End Result: A finished set of effective video ads.

    If you see both examples, you’ll find there are different limitations and requirements.

    While the budget is super strict in the first case, it’s more flexible in the second. Similarly, there aren’t any specifications with regard to the ad type in the first example, but the second one explicitly states video advertisements.

    Essentially, when you know what you want, finding the right agency for your businesses will become very easy. Plus, it’s much better to avoid the disappointment of hiring someone only to realize that they can’t give you what you want.

    Another way to vet Facebook ad agencies is by looking for specific characteristics that are relevant to the business and can understand your goals and desired outcomes.

    4 Characteristics That Make a Great Facebook Ad Company

    There are all sorts of ad agencies operating on the market today, with everyone claiming to be the best.

    That said, you should know the characteristics that make up a good Facebook ad agency to find one that can provide tailor-made solutions as per your requirements.

    Team Members With Relevant Experience

    Everybody claims to be the best, but only a few have the experience to back its claims. 

    You must hire a Facebook ad agency that is well-equipped with the brain and muscle to help you achieve your goals.

    For instance, if you want to carry out paid social media campaigns with minimal to no effort from your side, you need a team that has the experience and knowledge to carry out these campaigns.

    Additionally, they should also take care of customer targeting, keep in touch with your customers and prospects, as well as recommend creative, and copy best practices.

    You can find out more about a company‘s team by going through their ‘About‘ page or LinkedIn ‘People’ page.

    While this may not show you every contractor or freelancer that the agency might work with, it‘s still an excellent place to start. You can always ask follow-up questions during your consultation if you want more clarity.

    Their Arsenal Should Include Latest Technologies and Best Practices

    Ad agencies need to be familiar with the latest software. For Facebook, in particular, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Ad Manager, and so on are useful tools that can assure faster results through in-depth insights.

    Having ad software expertise, along with familiarity with third-party data sources and creative testing tools, is also helpful. Ultimately, this will help your brand gain more popularity through better ads – both in terms of creativity and effectiveness.

    Skills to Create Engaging Ads that Fulfil Your Objectives

    Why do you want to hire a Facebook ad company? Results.

    The only way that you can get results is if you enlist an agency that knows the art of producing engaging and objective-specific ads.

    The company should have the skills to help you fulfill your goals – whether it’s getting more quality leads, boosting engagement, increasing store visits, or getting more click-throughs.

    The idea here is to hire an ad company that can help you meet your goals, and the best way to ensure this is to look for a diverse portfolio.

    Plus, the portfolio is the best way for the agency to show off their best work. This will help you get an idea of the type of work they do and the type of clients they choose.

    Since it‘s FB advertisements that we’re talking about, give brownie points to agencies that have Facebook on their client list.

    Solid Social Proof in the Form of Client Testimonials

    Having social proof, such as testimonials and previous client reviews, can be an excellent way to gain insights into an agency’s work ethic.

    Considering that 93% of customers go through testimonials and customer reviews before purchasing something, it can also be beneficial from the agency’s point of view. 

    In fact, displaying social proof is an effective tactic to convert visitors into buyers. So if you don’t find any testimonials on websites, it means the following:

    • One, the company may not have previous clients
    • Two, they aren’t the experts that they claim to be

    Good testimonials are indicative of a similar experience for future customers. Also, getting testimonials shouldn’t be difficult for agencies who have satisfied clients.

    How to Work With a Facebook Ad Agency 

    When you narrow down your options – or even make a final choice – you should be aware of the working etiquette to follow.

    The following are a few steps that can ensure you enjoy a fruitful partnership for the well-being of your business.

    Filling Out the Inquiry Form

    No Facebook ad agency will send you a contract without understanding your pain points – if they do, run (not walk) as far as you can.

    Reputable agencies will want you to fill an inquiry form to understand your objectives and requirements. After filling the form, the team will get in touch with you to hear your vision and then think of ways to achieve it.

    You have to communicate properly here, being as explicit as possible. Remember, the agency wants to meet your expectations and goals.

    Hearing Out the Best Practices for Effective Results

    After understanding your pain points, the external team should use their expertise and experience to create a campaign framework. This, of course, should be done after carrying out in-depth research to figure out the best practices for better results.

    The idea behind creating this draft is to make sure your target audience, niche, and business are all on the same page. You should expect multiple meetings focused on making strategic recommendations.

    Receiving Project Deliverables

    In the world of business, everything needs to be in writing – even the contract. Since every campaign spans over a couple of weeks or months, a well-drafted contract needs to be in place.

    So if both you and the agency are comfortable with each other, you can expect to receive a contract, along with project deliverables from the agency, before kicking off the campaign.

    Final Onboarding

    After signing the contract, you’ll have to introduce the external team to your in-house staff. Agencies will also ask you for access to your website, social media platforms, relevant software, analytics tools, etc.

    Once this is done, the Facebook ad company will chalk out timelines and task lists to organize and manage the whole project.

    Aligning Your In-House Team With the Agency

    Your chosen Facebook ad agency doesn’t have to replace your in-house team.

    Instead, you can have both the teams working in sync to maximize results. For this purpose, you can do the following:

    • Holding frequent meetings.
    • Elaborating the scope of the agency’s as well as the in-house team‘s work, and clearly communicating the importance of both.
    • Appointing additional employees, if required, to work with the external agency.

    In the end, the agency will be fully aligned with your company‘s values and culture, making it an extension of your in-house team.

    How to Find The Right Facebook Ad Agency For You

    With so many available options, choosing the right Facebook ad agency can be a bit difficult. 

    Nevertheless, you should always prioritize a good reputation with a specialized approach. In addition to this, we would recommend the following:

    • Work on determining your business goals and desired outcomes.
    • Look for agencies that satisfy our above-listed characteristics – each one of them is essential.
    • Make sure the agency is in sync with you and your in-house team.

    To make it easier for you, we reviewed hundreds of agencies to bring the five best Facebook ad companies. No matter who you choose, you’re assured of excellent service and unmatched expertise.

    The 5 Top Facebook Ad Agencies

    #1: Neil Patel Digital – The Best Overall Facebook Ad Company

    You need access to top-level expertise and experience if you want advertisements that convert – something that Neil Patel Digital specializes in.

    Our team of top-level and in-house marketing managers, led by our co-founder, Neil Patel, know the ins and outs of Facebook. 

    We can deliver ad campaigns that suit your marketing objectives without overstepping your budget. Plus, we take care of everything: brainstorming attention-grabbing headlines, choosing the right graphics and CTAs, and carrying out A/B testing.

    We also have a dream clientele, which includes Facebook, who are more than happy with what we’ve done for them. We’re also fully transparent with what we can deliver and how we work our magic.

    #2: Hibu – The Best Facebook Ad Company for an All-in-One Solution

    Hibu can be an excellent option if you’re looking for a comprehensive Facebook advertising solution, which includes campaign set-up, management, optimization, and reporting.

    It also has a very flexible pricing strategy, offering services that start at $250 per month. The company has a dedicated team that works hard to create highly targeted ads that are capable of converting visitors.

    #3: Voy Media – The Best Facebook Ad Company for À La Carte Services

    Voy Media comes highly recommended. More so, if à la carte services and maximizing returns are your top priority.

    The team uses proprietary AI software that can help you optimize and scale your Facebook campaigns in addition to crafting carefully thought-out strategies. You can join the likes of Lacoste, Big Life Journal, and too – provided you have a minimum $5000/month budget for advertising.

    #4: MuteSix – The Best Facebook Ad Company for Innovation Graphic Design 

    MuteSix really needs no introduction when it comes to churning out creative ads that can drive conversions. It’s a full-funnel ad agency that has an in-house video studio and graphic design team to widen their clients’ reach.

    Over the years, the company has added many renowned companies to its portfolio, and has received quite a few accolades as well! However, MuteSix is better suited for larger companies, preferably ones with budgets over $20,000 in ad spend.

    #5: Lyfe Marketing – The Best Facebook Ad Company for Small Companies

    This is an excellent option for small companies with limited budgets. Having a talented team of fewer than 50 members, Lyfe Marketing can be a driving force to help you enhance your marketing efforts.

    It can provide you with quality, cost-effective advertising solutions, along with excellent communication and complete transparency to establish a healthy and professional working relationship. The agency has driven over 2,137,349 leads from the time of its inception.

    Wrapping Up

    Advertising can be a very challenging task. If you don’t have the expertise or know-how at your disposal, all your efforts will go to vain and you may also incur losses.

    It’s much wiser to get a reputable Facebook ad company that can help you achieve your goals.

    “Reputable” being the operative word here since you need an efficient team that can create unique and exciting ads to convert your visitors into customers.

    Hence, it’s best to work with an agency with demonstrated expertise when it comes to keeping up with a dynamic platform like Facebook.

    The post How to Choose The Right Facebook Ad Agency appeared first on Neil Patel.

    from Neil Patel

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