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    Facebook Advertising Consulting

    Social media dominates the present-day marketing landscape. More so, a platform like Facebook that gives you direct access to 2.6 billion people.

    But is it actually worthwhile to use Facebook?

    Facebook advertising has definitely increased in popularity, with an increasing number of businesses using the platform to gain new leads and stay connected to their existing customers.

    Plus, there are solid stats that highlight how useful incorporating Facebook can be for your marketing strategy:

    • A total of 1.6 billion users see Facebook ads, out of which 1.21 billion are between the ages of 13 and 34.
    • An average Facebook user clicks on about 12 ads every 30 days.
    • Approximately 80% of social reference to e-commerce sites stems from Facebook.

    Converting visitors into customers should be super easy on the platform then, right? Sadly, this isn’t the case.

    You see, all your marketing efforts will backfire if you don’t have a carefully planned Facebook ad campaign in place – one that is impactful and is supported by in-depth knowledge of the platform’s best practices.

    There is no shortage of gurus who will run Facebook ads for you too, so how do you find somebody who will get you actual results?

    Our team at Neil Patel Digital has created this handy guide to help you find the best Facebook ad consultant who knows what he’s doing, without wasting your marketing budget or talking in circles.

    5 Ways a Facebook Ads Consultant Can Help Grow Your Business

    You’ve heard of multiple businesses having success with Facebook and Instagram ads, but you haven’t been able to make them work for you.

    So what went wrong? 

    If you want to explore Facebook as a means to advertise your products and services for maximizing sales and generating leads, you need an expert

    Developing a winning Facebook ad strategy comes from experience and expertise – something that a Facebook ad consultant can offer. After all, it pays to be really good in your chosen field and have a track record of success.

    Here are a few ways in which a Facebook ad consultant that help grow your business:

    Extremely Advanced Audience Targeting

    If you consider yourself a savvy business owner, it’s natural you would want to take full advantage of everything that Facebook marketing offers. 

    This is precisely what a Facebook ad consultant can help you achieve.

    Since consultants are experts, they can develop ads that target people by demographics, location, gender, income level, age, interest, education level, and behavior, among other factors. In fact, the expert will know targeting options that you may not have even heard of!

    For instance: Did you know Facebook permits you to target an audience based on the recent purchases made?

    Additionally, a consultant has the know-how to create custom audiences, lookalike audiences, and layer targeting options, each of which allows you to get very granular with your targeting.

    Easy Adherence to Strict Facebook Protocols

    Facebook is like a strict teacher from school who likes to maintain discipline and decorum. 

    The platform’s main lookout is to protect users and their sentiments so that they continue using Facebook. They don’t want them to be annoyed by frequent ads or get insulted by any sponsored post.

    Basically, creating a Facebook ad that gets approved isn’t easy – you have to remember a lot of rules.

    You can end up wasting a lot of time, with a serious threat of getting your account flagged if you aren’t careful. 

    Facebook rejecting your ads doesn’t necessarily mean that they were offensive or irritating. It’s just that they didn’t meet the intricate rules and regulations the platform has to protect its users.

    But guess who knows all these rules and regulations? An experienced Facebook ad consultant.

    They can use their expertise to create attention-grabbing ads that not only force the viewer to take action but also comply with rigid Facebook policies.

    Help Boost ROI Through Remarketing

    If this is the first time you’re hearing of remarketing or haven’t yet utilized this excellent tactic to manage your ads, hiring a Facebook ad consultant is definitely wise on your part.

    Remarketing is a powerful way to target people who have already visited your website, which, in turn, can be useful for driving up your ROI. And not only website visitors, but you can also connect with those who have used your app or given you your email address.

    The consultant takes advantage of these people who are already engaged with your brand, and hence, may only need a little bit of coaxing before they take the plunge and finally place their order. 

    To build your remarketing audience, they develop a system to tag your website visitors with a cookie.

    Trust us, remarketing on Facebook can be very useful for increasing your revenue without breaking the bank. Facebook ad experts set up the whole system so you can continue to build your business around the clock.

    Help Maximize Your Facebook Ads Budget

    Your Facebook ad budget is a small part of your overall marketing budget. 

    If you plan on using paid ads, you might also be targeting customers on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Consequently, you cannot afford to waste your money on a single channel, as it’ll reduce your funds for other initiatives. 

    Since a Facebook ad consultant knows the ins and outs of the platform, the possibility of errors is considerably less when compared to an amateur. The former also use intelligent tactics to maximize budgets and conversions on ads sets.

    For instance, most consultants increase ad set budgets by 20% every 2 to 4 days. This warrants a gradual increase, which doesn’t trigger a new learning phase, ensuring more stable performance. While it’s true that growing the budget does take time, your ad set life will be longer with fewer performance dips.

    Efficient Scaling of Facebook Ads

    Scaling Facebook ad campaigns is very challenging, mainly due to the dynamism of the platform.

    You need to constantly update your strategies and tactics when making changes in Facebook’s Ad Manager, and manage ad creatives. In short, it’s a continuous cycle of developing winning campaigns and fighting ad fatigue.

    Any reputable consultant is well-versed in tactics that can make the process more streamlined and effective. Some of these tactics include: 

    • Using automated rules for scaling
    • Duplicating successful ad sets
    • Securing the lowest manual bid
    • Adjust your ad set budget according to performance

    In short, they take care of everything.

    Think of the consultants as Michelin Star chefs that have their own unique recipes for their client’s campaigns. They are ready to experiment, make mistakes, analyze, and automate, which ultimately boosts your business growth.

    How to Get Started With a Facebook Advertising Consultant

    Now you know you can grow your business by hiring an expert with Facebook ads.

    The next step is to figure out how you can get started with Facebook advertising consulting. 

    Just throwing money at the problem and hoping for the best isn’t a good strategy. You require a clear road map that illustrates your end goal, along with milestones that can guide you to stay on the right track.

    We’ve compiled a list of steps below that can help you make sure you have the right person or people managing your account.

    Find and Hire the Right Facebook Ad Consultant

    Having the right person manage your ads account is like that essential puzzle piece of a puzzle that completes the whole picture – without it, it‘ll remain incomplete.

    Before hiring anyone, make sure you do your best in researching and looking at the credentials of prospective candidates.

    The following are a few ways to determine the capabilities of the prospect:

    1. Ask to see their past portfolios and results they have previously achieved for other clients.
    2. Find out whether they are familiar with your target audience and style.
    3. Good communication skills and a pleasant personality so you can express your wants without hesitation.

    Another alternative is to use online hiring platforms, such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Reddit. Here, you can either post a detailed project description of what you need to be done or choose a freelancer profile from these marketplaces.

    Seasoned consultants, which we highly recommend, usually ask potential clients to fill an inquiry form, and then schedule a call for a discovery call.

    Hold Meetings to Set Out Expectations

    Once you’ve selected your expert consultant, you should hold frequent meetings to discuss your goals and budget. They should know what you expect from the Facebook ads, how you want them to perform, and how often you would review or tweak them.

    Even the expert should be aware of your vision and budget constraints within which he has to operate. Thanks to their experience, the consultant will help you set your goals, but the overall objectives should always come from you since it’s your company at the end of the day.

    Remember, your expert wants you to be crystal clear about your expectations and the amount of money you’ll be comfortable spending on your advertising.

    Review the Growth Game Plan

    The fact that you hired a Facebook ads consultant means you want your business to grow.

    You want to use their expertise in Facebook advertising and take advantage of their knowledge. So you should give them the flexibility to come up with a game plan for your advertising campaign. Let the consultant work out the details based on your input.

    You can then schedule a detailed review of the game plan before giving the go-ahead. Make sure that you’re on board with all the decisions before the campaign goes live.

    Get the Ball Rolling

    The learning curve is a part of advertising – be it Facebook or any other social media platform.

    There is no guarantee that your first ad campaign will be successful or as lucrative as you wanted it to be.

    The funny thing is that it’s a good thing.

    The first few weeks after your campaign goes live is a learning stage where you and the consultant get an idea about who engages with your business and how you can adjust your strategies to increase ad appeal.

    Hence, don’t be afraid to set your plan in motion. The valuable data you get after the launch is the key to future success.

    Monitor Results and Adjust Budget Accordingly 

    Never max out your budget before reviewing your ad campaign performance. 

    The Facebook ad consultant will collect, analyze, and provide you with all the relevant data about the campaign. He or she will also suggest tweaks that can help your ads perform better.

    After implementing the suggested adjustments, you can work on incrementally increasing your budget. Even when your ads start performing better, you should continue monitoring and making adjustments over time.

    The aim is to keep improving your ad strategy always, and the expert should be able to take care of this for you.

    Measuring the ROI of Facebook Advertising Consulting Services

    Let’s assume you hired a Facebook ad consultant, and have launched your first campaign.

    How do you know you made the right choice with the candidate? Or are the ads effective in driving leads and sales?

    The only way to find out whether your campaign was a success or not is to measure the ROI.

    Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Are you okay with only building your list with no return on your ad spend for now?
    • Is your strategy to just break even with your tripwire?
    • Do you want to prioritize building your email list for a future launch?
    • Do you have any return expectations? Say for every $5 you spend, do you expect to make at least $10? 

    Once you figure out the answers to the above, talk to your consultant about the same.

    Ask the expert what increase in revenue you can expect in the first month of launching the campaign, and in case the ad performs poorly, what remedial measures would they take to ascertain a consistent ROI.

    Measuring the ROI of your Facebook ads is dependent on the following data:

    • Spend
    • Clicks
    • Connections or leads
    • Cost per lead
    • Customers
    • Cost per customer

    Tracking ROI from social media can be a nightmare. But having a consultant on board equips you with the right knowledge about variables and tools that can simplify tracking, cost association, and revenue measurement.

    Your ROI will tell you whether you’re getting results or not, providing you a bird’s eye view of the whole campaign.

    4 Point Checklist for Finding the Right Facebook Ad Consultant

    Are you wondering how to hire the best Facebook ad consultant for your brand that understands your requirements and can successfully deliver results?

    Below, we‘ve created a detailed checklist to help you walk through the entire hiring process.

    Objective Advertising Expertise

    To get results on Facebook, you need to create impactful ads that can deliver results.

    Hiring a consultancy can be your first step to ensure this in case you don’t have first-hand knowledge about how things work. 

    Whoever you choose to be a consultant should have the skills to help you meet your goals – Whether it’s generating revenue, locking in more leads, or getting more click-throughs.

    A dead giveaway for this? Having an exciting portfolio that boasts of successful companies and brands. 

    A Facebook advertising consultancy that has worked with diverse clients will understand the nuances of creating ads that leave a stronger impact on the viewer.

    Look for Relevant Experience

    As mentioned before, the marketplace is filled with freelancers claiming to be the best, but only a select few have the experience and expertise to back it up.

    A Facebook advertisement consultancy should have the brain and muscle to guide you through the process and help you attain your business goals. 

    So whether it’s an individual or a team, make sure they have the experience and knowledge to create and maintain successful ad campaigns. Figure out the following questions:

    • How long has the consultant been creating Facebook ads? 
    • Has the consultant worked with clients in your industry?
    • How do they handle communication and reporting of the campaign?
    • What do they do when the campaign results are poor?

    The consultant should have a hands-on approach for advanced audience targeting, customer engagement, and eye-catching copy creation.

    Well-Versed in Copy and Analysis Best Practises

    Advertisement consultancies should be familiar with the latest Facebook advertising software and tools – pretty much anything required to ensure the job gets done and gets done well.

    For Facebook, in particular, expert knowledge about Facebook Ad Manager, Facebook Pixel, and Power Editor is crucial. This gives better access to data that can be used to create creative and effective advertisements to increase popularity and promote growth.

    Find Out What Others Say About the Consultant

    Your chosen consultant should be experienced and have a good reputation.

    Look for social proof like previous client reviews and testimonials to gauge the overall capabilities of the prospective candidate. This will help you understand more about their work ethic and determine their suitability for your company.

    96% of customers go through testimonials before making a purchase decision since it indicates a higher possibility of a similar experience in the future. 

    Moreover, having plenty of testimonials means the consultancy has been consistently delivering positive results.

    Wrapping Up

    You’re at a higher risk of losing money when you don’t know how Facebook advertising works.

    Hiring a consultancy gives you access to the right knowledge and experience. From identifying targets, running ad campaigns, and monitoring results, a Facebook ad consultant will take care of it all.

    So yes, choosing to work with a reputable team of expert consultants is undoubtedly the best way to maximize results on Facebook and reduce the risks of spending thousands of dollars in vain.

    The post Facebook Advertising Consulting appeared first on Neil Patel.

    from Neil Patel https://ift.tt/303XChv

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